1 minute read
Love is cute when it’s new,
but love is most beautiful when it last.

Love cures people both the,
one who give it and the one who receive it.

No matter how “busy” a person is,
if they really care, they will always find the time for you.

If I had flower for every time you made me smile & laugh,
 I’d have a garden to walk in forever.

Cross the Bridge and Discover Love!
Else, be Stranded forever and miss these most scared feeling.

Love is like a rubber band held at both ends by two people,
when one leaves it hurts the other.

Never trust your heart,
because it’s on the right side.

Love is not about how much you say,
“i love you”
but how much you can prove that it’s true.

Love is like the sun which coming out
from the clouds and warming your soul.

You are so special to me.
Why don’t you stay with me?
So we can be together,
 I’m in love with you.

Everybody knows how to love,
but few people know how to stay in love with one person forever.

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